I Am Trying To Manipulate The Pixel Values Without Clipping Them
Solution 1:
You are normalizing the positive range of your image only, ignoring the negative values.
You want to apply the following equation to your values:
mx = np.amax(img)
mn = np.amin(img)
img = (img - mn) / (mx - mn) * 255
We're first subtracting the minimum value, so that the minimum value in the image becomes 0. Next we divide to set the maximum value to 1.
is the full range of your data, and therefore the maximum value in the data after setting the minimum to 0.
Solution 2:
Scikit-image has function for this:
It maybe better to rescale it to range (0,1), do all the processing in float format and convert to int8 before saving.
In [1]: from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
In [2]: from skimage import img_as_ubyte
In [3]: import numpy as np
In [4]: im = np.random.uniform(low=-100, high=400, size=(3,3))
In [5]: im
array([[351.2177509 , 313.89196632, 241.73850855],
[-21.12284801, 97.84166107, -66.925235 ],
[267.75593733, -15.78767759, 252.63980599]])
In [6]: im = rescale_intensity(im, in_range='image', out_range=(0,1))
In [7]: im
array([[1. , 0.9107344 , 0.7381775 ],
[0.10953762, 0.39404439, 0. ],
[0.80039887, 0.12229682, 0.76424824]])
In [8]: im = img_as_ubyte(im) # 8bit
In [9]: im
array([[255, 232, 188],
[ 28, 100, 0],
[204, 31, 195]], dtype=uint8)
If this is black & white image with more than 256 shades of grey, I would recommend to use 16bit PNG format and rescale it to range (0, 65535).
If you have more similar images, you can use custom in_range, so that rescaling is consistent in all images, as Guang recommends.
import numpy as np
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
from skimage import img_as_uint
from imageio import imwrite
im = np.linspace(-40,288,10000).reshape(100,100)
im = rescale_intensity(im, in_range=(-100,400), out_range=(0,1))
im = img_as_uint(im) # 16bit
imwrite("image.png", im)
EDIT: If you do not want to use scikit-image, you can define similar function like this:
defrescale_intensity(arr, in_range=None, out_range=(0, 1)):
"""Normalize numpy array.
Returns: float array
imin, imax = in_range if in_range isnotNoneelse (np.min(arr), np.max(arr))
omin, omax = out_range
if imin == imax:
raise ValueError("Cannot rescale array, imin == imax")
z = omin + omax * ((arr - imin) / (imax - imin))
return np.clip(z, a_min=omin, a_max=omax)
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