Tic-tac-toe Game - Errors And Ai
import random def game(): def display_instructions(): ''' Will print out instructions for how to play tic-tac-toe''' print('Hello, and welcome to TIC-TAC-TOE! Here's how yo
Solution 1:
You could use this compact Computer player function as your AI:
from random import sample
axes = [(0,1,2),(3,4,5),(6,7,8),(0,3,6),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(0,4,8),(2,4,6)]
returnany(board[a]+board[b]+board[c] in ["XXX","OOO"] for a,b,c in axes)
#level 3**3=Naive, 3**4=beginner, 3**5=intermediate, 3**6=good, 3**7=expertdefrating(position,play,board,level=3**6):
if board[position] != " "or level < 3: return0
newBoard = board[:position]+[play]+board[position+1:]
if isWin(newBoard): return level*2
nextRatings = [rating(p,"XO"[play=="X"],newBoard,level/3) for p inrange(9)]
return level-max(nextRatings,key=abs)
To make the computer play (with some randomness), use this line where computer
is the letter that the computer plays ("X" or "O") and board is a list of board positions (indexed from 0 to 8) containing "X", "O" or a space character:
position = max(sample(range(9),9),key=lambda p:rating(p,computer,board))
Here is some sample code using the computer playing function:
board = [" "]*9
player,computer = sample("XOXO",2)
player = computer
for r inrange(0,9,3):
print("("+") (".join(board[r:r+3])+")",list(range(r+1,r+4)))
available = [str(p+1) for p inrange(9) if board[p] == " "]
if isWin(board) ornot available : break
player = "XO"[player=="X"]
if player == computer:
position = max(sample(range(9),9),key=lambda p:rating(p,computer,board))
print(f"Computer plays {player} at {position+1}")
position = input(f"Position to play for {player}: ")
if position notin available: print("Invalid position")
else : position = int(position)-1; break
board[position] = player
print( f"{player}'s WIN !!!\n"if isWin(board) else"DRAW.\n")
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