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Appengine Runs Failed Tasks Twice Even If Task_retry_limit=0

I'm seeing a buggy behaviour in taskqueue API. When a task fails, appengine always runs it once again, even if I tell it not to. This is the relevant code: NO_RETRY = TaskRetryOpti

Solution 1:

As mentioned in the documentation App Engine will sometimes run a task twice. You should write your tasks to ensure that this will not be harmful.

Solution 2:

I just found a way to avoid the undesired retry:

    retry_options=TaskRetryOptions(task_retry_limit=0, task_age_limit=1),

This combination of of retry_limit, age_limit and countdown is the magical incantation that does the trick.

It's still suboptimal though, so I'll leave this without a green answer until google fixes this bug.

Solution 3:

Check your queue.yaml file and make sure it is correctly configured.


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